I am so sorry for falling off the planet as it may seem. Thank you all for e-mailing me and asking when I will write again. I have a lot to share with you and write about with so much that has happened this year with this bad economy that seems to be on steriods, but what this means from a Competitive Intelligence stand point and focus of my blog.
I'll be taking some time off in June to catch up on my household, life, family, rest a bit (1 week knowing me) and I will write again. June will have several entries I promise!
What you can look forward to is the finish of my series on applying CI in finding jobs as Recruiters and how to use CI techniques to do so. Our functional expertise as recruiters and many recruiting careers have been hit hardest with so many lay-offs and companies scared to hire, positions put on hold, and companies scrambling to survive yet alone hire talent. I hope my CI experience might shed some light to you recruiters on how to reinvent yourselves, apply CI towards your job hunt, where to find recruiting opportunities by applying CI logic and give you some encouragement along the way.
I'll be conducting a global webinar on June 24th geared towards this very topic, but applied to any skill set as to prepare for the future whether out a job or stressed about having to find a job too. Stay tuned as I will post the link soon on how to sign up and attend - it is free!
Other FUN topics to look forward to on my blog:
- The Indy 500 Social Engineering playground. How 2 social engineers COULD have attacked the Indy 500, but we were tourists and innocently stumbled upon things as we did. Makes one think really what potentially could have been done though my friend is a reformed Social Engineer and a good guy sharing his expertise around the world as he does to prevent Social Engineering in Corporations. Heh - I don't practice this anyways being a do-gooder as I am and CI pro, but I am aware of how things could be done by the bad guys/gals. Lots to learn from this trip I assure you.
- CI and War Gaming - What the heck is this? Sounds so covert doesn't it? Not at all. War Gaming is simply a simulation exercise that draws from military principals and is an exercise that Corporations do to simulate Competitive situations. Very interesting and powerful stuff to put Corporate teams through. Hmmh - those of you that know my background will understand why I love this CI area as I do.
- CI true life examples. How CI works in life situations and not just Corporate America. Oh boy, a book in works here? Someday!! I think I need to finish writing the screen play first that I've been working on for 10 years now - under a pen name of course.
- CI and Poker - YES!! I'll be playing TONS of poker over the summer again! Boy do I miss poker and have gotten rusty. But, it is like playing soccer for so many years as I have. A few games and it is like riding a bike again. Poker is all about CI and strategy with less bets on the tactical portion really - how to read your opponent, make predictions on their moves and being observant.